K, Tiff, I'm doing it, not sure how, so I just copied and pasted it to a new post?
1. Where is your cell phone? Diaper bag
2. Where is your significant other? Standing next to me
3. Your hair color? light brown (i think)
4. Your mother? wonderful (also sitting right next to me on her laptop, lol)
5. Your father? Caring
6. Your favorite thing? Kodi
7. Your dream last night? Something to do with the Twilight movie
8. Your dream/goal? being with my family forever
9. The room you're in? Kitchen
10. Your hobby? Don't really have one, need to get one
11. Your fear? Death of a loved one
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Done with Kodi's schooling and a few more kids
13. Where were you last night? Watching Twilight in Delta
14. What you're not? Stylish
15. One of your wish-list items? Utes sweatshirt
16. Where you grew up? Delta, Utah
17. The last thing you did? watched 'Priviliged'
18. What are you wearing? Jeans
19. Your TV? Off
20. Your pet? lives with my parents, but I got to see her this weekend
21. Your computer? Laptop
22. Your mood? Doubtful
23. Missing someone? Kodi, even though he's right next to me
24. Your car? $300 away from being paid off!!!
25. Something you're not wearing? a hat
26. Favorite store? Walmart
27. Your summer? Don't remember much, last 6 months are a blur
28. Love someone? More than I ever imagined
29. Your favorite color? Red
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? a couple days ago
12 years ago